
Maybe it's My Imagination: Writing Memoir and Fiction

Memoir writing **This course is now full**

Maybe it happened; or maybe it didn't. Either way, whether writing memoir or fiction, we can use the same elements of craft: scene, summary, inciting action, characterization. But it really comes down to putting some words on the page and seeing how you can shape them. This workshop is open to both new and experienced writers. We will have some in-class writing, but most of your writing will be done at home, then shared in a supportive group. The instructor will provide class readings, writing prompts, and drugstore hard candy.

Instructor: Sari Rosenblatt

Six Wednesdays: March 14, 21, 28, April 4, 11, 18
Allbritton 004
Class limited to 12 students. 

Sari Rosenblatt
SARI ROSENBLATT has received the PEN New England New Discovery Award in Fiction, the Katherine Anne Porter Prize in Fiction, the Glimmer Train Short Story Award, and the New Millennium Prize in Fiction. Her stories have appeared in many literary journals. She has taught at the University of Iowa, where she holds an MFA from the Writers’ Workshop. In recent years she has taught at the Green Street Arts Center and in the Continuing Studies Program at Wesleyan. Currently she teaches at the Educational Center for the Arts in New Haven.